How to deal with a gambling spouse

By Mark Zuckerberg

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If your husband is a confirmed compulsive gambler, as you say, then it's only a matter of time before his escalating condition lands him in some serious trouble. A person with gambling problems will eventually fray his relationships at work, with friends, or in the extended family. Your husband's addiction may cause him to miss time on... 3 Ways to Deal With a Gambling Addiction - wikiHow Pathological gambling involves an inability to control gambling which can lead to psychological issues, as well as financial, professional, and legal consequences. Gambling can activate the brain’s reward system, much like other addictions, which can make it very difficult to quit. However, you can deal appropriately with your gambling problem by recognizing your issue, coping with it ... How to Deal With Someone Who’s a Gambling Addict So how can you deal with a gambling addict? Though it looks like you cannot do anything to stop all this, but provided the fact that you become a little more strong in handling your spouse, you can eventually bring a lot of changes as far as your spouse’s gambling addiction is concerned. Stop Enabling Your Spouse’s Gambling Addiction. As ... How to Help a Spouse with a Gambling Problem

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Living with a Gambler; Living with a Gambling Spouse-Husband-Wife ... Seek professional help to learn how to deal with gambling addiction. See more information. Intelligent natural language question-answering in the area of psychology and psychiatry. Ask a simple question: Info. Gambling is Destroying Our Marriage and Family Life - Marriage...

Dealing with Problem Gambling | Get Gambling Facts

Financial Options For Partners of Problem Gamblers ... Financial Options For Partners of Problem Gamblers By Staff on March 18, 2014 in Gambling Addiction , Helping a Loved One , Risk Factors , Spouses/Partners 0 If things are rapidly slipping out of control as a result of your loved one’s problem gambling, it may be time for you to act now.

Supporting a spouse through addiction is difficult and is likely to put a strain on even the strongest and most loving relationships. As the partner of a gambler, there are a number of challenges you will face throughout the recovery process including: Feeling powerless while your partner is gambling

Dealing With Addiction. There are many relationships that on the brink of divorce, because of addiction. Over the years, I have dealt with people who are suffering from addiction to: pornography, internet, alcohol, drugs, shopping, and even gambling.